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a short comic about a long rat

baguette rat issue 1

baguette rat asks hot dog dog out and she says yes

baguette rat issue 2

baguette rat dissolves in the ocean while on his date with hot dog dog

baguette rat issue 3

hot dog dog attends baguette rat's funeral

baguette rat issue 4

baguette rat's ghost visits a mourning hot dog dog. he dissolves in her tears

baguette rat issue 5

an angel brings baguette rat back to life

baguette rat issue 6

baguette rat and hot dog dog are happily together again

baguette rat issue 7 - series finale

croissant cat is making gnomes

the end of baguette rat comic


NOT!! behold bonus episode, digital only exclusive FOR YOUR EYES ONLY

croissant cat sells her gnomes to a frog man with a hat